The muzzle in dreams, both symbolically and literally, is an expression of a feeling of enslavement or being trapped. It may indicate a lack of independence in life or a decreased sense of self-worth. According to dream interpretation, a muzzle mainly has negative connotations and is often a sign of the inability to find a way out of a very difficult situation. A dream about a muzzle also serves as a reminder to avoid malicious remarks about other people and to keep your tongue in check. Be careful not to fall into the trap that your greatest enemies want to set for you. A muzzle can predict that you will be forced to carry out certain orders against your will. It will be an extremely difficult experience for you, for which you may be additionally burdened with extra responsibility.

What can a dream about a muzzle mean?
A muzzle appearing in dreams indicates a sense of oppression in life. Most likely, you do not agree with everything that others are persuading you to do, or you regularly make decisions under pressure. It is high time to make a choice whether you want to make your own decisions about your destiny or let others do it for you.
What is the detailed interpretation and symbolism of a dream about a muzzle?
The sight of a muzzle in a dream suggests that you should learn to control your emotions. Perhaps you are overwhelmed by inner anger that you need to direct properly or release the tension around you. Such a dream may also indicate that someone wants to impose their will on you. If you let them get into your head, you will surely have nothing to say about it.
An animal in a muzzle usually reflects an uncertain life situation and fear for your own future, according to dream interpretation. Perhaps you are worried about keeping your job or have financial obligations that you cannot keep up with. Remember that a life crisis will end someday, and you will look at life again with calmness and joy.
A dream in which you are wearing a muzzle is a sign that life's problems will begin to overwhelm you. You will have trouble overcoming all the difficulties that will stand in your way to your goal. Such a dream is also a warning to be careful about what you do and say. Remember that the words you speak may have consequences. They may cause a decline in your professional or social position.
When you dream of someone wearing a muzzle, it is a sign that someone is hiding a secret from you or not telling you the whole truth. You are afraid that losing control in even one aspect of life can permanently take you out of the game.
When you dream about removing a muzzle, it means that you want to free yourself from the guilt that others want to put on you. If you succumb to the pressure exerted on you, you may say goodbye to the realization of your ambitious plans.
Buying a muzzle in a dream means that you will do something against your will and give up without a fight, which will expose you to ridicule. However, life's failures will become a lesson for you, thanks to which you will start to strive for independence. Feeling a bit of independence in life will make you feel great in your own skin.
Selling a muzzle in dreams usually reflects your communication problems with loved ones or colleagues at work. Most likely, you will get into a conflict that will not be easy to get out of.
If you dream that a dog is biting you despite wearing a muzzle, it means that hurtful words from a loved one will deeply wound you. The news you receive will make you very sad and prevent your plans from coming to fruition. For a while, you will be left alone with all the problems, even though the fight that will take place under your roof will not directly affect you.
What is the meaning of a dream about a muzzle in mystic dream interpretation?
The basic meaning of a dream that we find in mystic dream interpretation is related to the symbol of the yoke of life and being overshadowed by the ideas and actions of others. You still remain in the shadow of people who want to be the center of attention. The feeling of life's imprisonment can also be a sign of stagnation and attachment to one place where you are still stuck.
We can also find the explanation of a dream about a muzzle in the Arabic dream interpretation
It is worth noting the translation from the dream interpretation that says you have no influence in the company you are in every day, and your voice is not heard by others. Apparently, your environment has stopped considering your opinion. Think about whether you still want to exist in it. A future in which you do not have equal opportunities with others may not look the best.